2021 Oklahoma Safe Driving Challenge
First Place Winner
Second Place Winner
Third Place Winner
Congratulations to everyone involved! Pat yourself on the back. You deserve it.
Thank You. You Are Saving Lives.
Congratulations to everyone involved! Pat yourself on the back. You deserve it.
Congratulations to our first place winners from Autry Technology Center SkillsUSA!
Congratulations to our second and third place winners from the Francis Tuttle/Portland SkillsUSA Campus!
Congratulations to Drummond FCCLA our First Place Winners at the 2020 Spotlight on the Oklahoma Challenge Awards! With their help HB 2791 was passed.
Congratulations to Caney FCCLA our Second Place Winners at the 2020 Spotlight on the Oklahoma Challenge Awards!
Last but not least congratulations to Oklahoma Union FCCLA our Third Place Winners at the 2020 Spotlight on the Oklahoma Challenge Awards
Tana Logue, FCCLA officer at Coalgate High School was our first random winner of the Safest Driving App $50 Amazon gift card giveaway!