What is the Oklahoma Safe Driving Challenge?

Oklahoma Safe Driving Challenge is a simple idea - increasing student-led traffic safety activities reduces traffic crashes. Peers talking to peers works! This program is modeled after the National Highway Traffic Safety Association (NHTSA) best practices Peer to Peer Teen Traffic Safety Guide. Teens who regularly participate in positive social projects designed to help their peers and others are less likely to engage in risky behaviors (Benton, as cited in Varenhorst, 2004). Oklahoma Safe Driving Challenge creates an empowering environment for students to share this important, life-saving traffic safety message with their peers. This competition incentivizes and rewards them by creating a robust competitive platform to entice them to share the message: WIN, save lives, and reduce injuries!

The Challenge

OklahomaChallenge.org is designed as a portal to connect schools with teen traffic safety activities available in Oklahoma and across the United States. Activities range from basic activities, such as posting “Phone Down, Buckle Up” signs in school parking lots, to outreach through community events and safety awareness days. Most of these activities are FREE to the schools. If payment is needed, it is indicated on the activity information.

The Solution

By providing teen crash rate data and a growing list of safe driving activities, the Oklahoma Safe Driving Challenge raises awareness of the need for safe driving programs, provides the tools to find crash-reduction activities, and awards points to schools for completing and submitting their activities. Winners will be announced at the appropriate student leadership organization conventions and will receive Safety Awards provided by State Farm, Oklahoma State Medical Association Foundation, and other sponsors.

How it Works

Step One: Activate Your School
Register your school by completing the activation activity.

Step Two: Complete Your Activities
You can choose from and add to the activity choices on our site, and you can complete them to earn points for your chapter.

If you don’t see an activity you want to do or have done, you can submit under the GO ABOVE & BEYOND activity and fully complete the point submission form. Be sure to consult the rubric and include the audience reached when describing your new activity to obtain the most points.

Step Three: Submit Points
Submit pictures from your activity and tell us about it. Work your way to the top of the online Leaderboard. Schools that reach 3,000 points or more will be awarded a “Lifesaver” traffic safety award.

Awards and Points

“Traffic Safety Rookie” level - 100 Points
Schools reach the “Traffic Safety Rookie” level by completing the initial activities, which total 100 points. Schools that complete 100 points through “Rookie” level activities will be recognized on the virtual leaderboard. Schools participating for a consecutive year will have to resubmit photos of activities to receive points.

“Traffic Safety Advocate” level - 1,300 Points
Schools reach the “Traffic Safety Advocate” level by achieving 1,300 points or more by engaging partners in traffic safety awareness activities by enlisting the help of parents, teachers, media, and local law enforcement in interactive, safe driving activities. Schools will be recognized by a virtual leaderboard.

“Traffic Safety Lifesaver” level - 3,000 Points
Schools reach the “Traffic Safety Lifesaver” level by achieving 3,000 points or more. The “Lifesaver” level activities allow students to engage their community and neighboring schools by hosting a regional event. Schools will be recognized through the virtual leaderboard and awards given by the Oklahoma Highway Safety office at the end of each year.

Win $$$ for your organization!

Each year in the spring, we wrap up the challenge and announce the winners. Cash prizes will be awarded to 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place winners! Some years, a Wildcard Challenge winner will also be announced.