
How do you think we did???

We partnered with Cambridge Mobile Telematics, the creators of the Safest Driver app, to gain some insight on driving trends. From October to December, we had 185 users who used the app during the entire period. Here is what we learned.

  1. ALL users improved across nearly all risk points (accelerating, hard braking, phone use, and hard turns) during every month. The only risk point that did not improve was speeding in the month of December. Was it the rush of the holidays or being out of school or forgetting about the app that caused the increase????

  2. The bottom 25% of users, those who exhibited the most risk in the first 3 days of driving, on average improved their baseline by 18% over the three months.

  3. Hard Braking - On average users improved by 12.77%

  4. Hard Turns - On average users improved by 25.3%

  5. Phone Use - On average users improved by 10.58%

  6. Speeding - On average users improved by 10.47%

  7. Hard Acceleration - On average users improved by 28.08%

Over 3 months, every user decreased risky driving behaviors while using the app. This means we saw real improvement with our app users.

Imagine how much safer our roads would be if every driver decreased their risky driving behaviors by even 18%.

Even though this challenge is over, keep using the app. Encourage your friends and family to download the app and help them reduce their risky driving behaviors.

And, keep a look out because we will have another challenge!!! This means more opportunities to win!!!!

We are so appreciative to all of the students and advisors who downloaded the Safest Driver app.