Oklahoma Distracted Driving Law

House Bill No. 1965

The Trooper Nicholas Dees and Trooper Keith Burch Act of 2015

In Oklahoma, it is against the law to use a cell phone while operating a moving vehicle for texting, reading, social media posts, taking/sending pictures or videos, electronic mail, and any other manual use of communication.

You may use your phone through voice operating systems that are integrated with your vehicle and for the purposes of contacting:

  1. An emergency response operator;

  2. A hospital, physician’s office, or health clinic;

  3. A provider of ambulance services;

  4. A provider of firefighting services or

  5. A law enforcement agency.

Violating this law is punishable by a fine of up to $100.

Want to learn more? Read House Bill No. 1965 here.
